Infused Hot Chocolate Peppermint Stick Recipe

Note: The following recipe includes the infusion of legal cannabis products. These items may only be created and consumed by a legal patient using the legally purchased products they procured from legal MMTC’s in Florida. Please remember edible cannabis has a different effect than other methods of administration. You should always start low and go slow with your dosing to avoid adverse reactions.

A delicious, cannabis infused chocolate treat perfect for dunking in hot chocolate and enjoying.

Total cannabinoid per batch (THC) = 100 mg
Approximate cannabinoid content per pepperment stick (THC) = 7.14 mg


1 – 10oz bag Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Melting Wafers
1 – full sized Hershey’s Chocolate bar
3-4 Heaping tbsp. Lecithin Granules
1tsp. Beeswax chipped thinly (for firmness)
100mg – TruClear Concentrate
20 – large peppermint sticks
Silicone chocolate/candy molds


Step 1:
Grind down Lecithin granules into powder with blender or mortar and pestle then set aside.

Step 2:
In a candy melter (or double boiler), melt 1tsp. beeswax until liquified.

Step 3:
Add Ghirardelli Chocolate Melting wafers and Hershey’s chocolate bar, stir until melted

Step 4:
Stir in powdered lecithin until incorporated.

Step 5:
Add TruClear Concentrate, stirring aggressively for 2 minutes.

Step 6:
Pour melted chocolate into molds, suspend peppermint sticks into individual chocolate molds.

Step 7:
Place in freezer for 20 minutes – 1 hr. for firmness.


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