Yes, in some patients medical marijuana can control seizures. Also called medical
cannabis, it is derived from the whole cannabis plant or consists of chemicals in the
plant and is used for medicinal purposes. Cannabinoids are substances in cannabis that
act on cells in the body, including the brain.
Early evidence from laboratory studies, anecdotal reports, and small clinical studies over a number of years suggest that cannabidiol (CBD) could potentially help control seizures. Research on CBD has been hard to do and taken time due to federal regulations and limited access to cannabidiol. There are also many financial and time constraints. In recent years, a number of studies have shown the benefit of specific plant-based CBD product in treating specific groups of people with epilepsy who have not responded to traditional therapies.
When conventional treatments do not work to control seizures, as isthe case for roughly 30% of people with epilepsy, it is not unreasonable to consider CBD oil. However, this should only beconsidered after a thorough evaluation at a specialized epilepsy center to look at whether all possible treatments (including FDA–approved new and add–on medicines, dietary therapy, devices, and surgery) have been reasonably tried.
The Epilepsy Foundation urges anyone exploring any treatment fortheir epilepsy, as permitted under their state law, to work with theirtreating physician to make the best decisions for their own care.
Learn about the Epilepsy Foundation’s state and federal advocacy
efforts on removing barriers to cannabis research and supporting access to medical cannabis (marijuana) in consultation with the treating physician.
Click here to find the answers to these frequently asked questions:
What is medical cannabis?
• What is CBD?
• What is the Epilepsy Foundation’s position on medical cannabis and CBD?
• What is the legal status of CBD?
• What is the legal status of medical cannabis?
• Are there any side effects or drug interactions associated with medical cannabis or CBD?
• Will medical cannabis or CBD replace my other medications?
• What do I do if my physician or prescribing provider will not recommend medical cannabis or CBD?
• Is there any difference in the commercial–grade CBD I purchase online or from a health food store and the dispensary–grade CBD sold in medical dispensaries?
• Are there currently any FDA–approved therapies derived from CBD?
• How is Epidiolex® different from commercial grade CBD sold over–the–counter and in dispensaries?